Friday, March 9, 2012

In 1994 it was estimated that about 70% of the world population was depending on natural remedies from medicinal wild plants and herbs. Today that number has risen to over 80%. 
More and more we are appreciating the incredible benefits that come from our mother earth. 

Interest in the use of medicinal wild plants and herbs has grown in leaps and bounds. There has literally been an explosion of herbal medicine use.

Even many modern day medical doctors are recognizing the value of natural methods using medicinal wild plants and herbs.

I’ve known about the wonderful healing wild plants for years and am joyfully watching as the world opens up to these marvelous medicinal healing herbs.  

I have never felt more alive then when I am out in the wilderness breathing in the fresh air and the smell of medicinal wild plants and herbs.  

I can spend hours lost in the beauty, filling my spirit with the energy and healing essence of the numerous wild plants as I taste and gather those that are in season.

My interest in all plants wild and growing takes many forms, such as medicinal, food, tea, aroma therapy, also skin and hair care. Then of course as well as all of these uses, herbs are also wonderful eye candy.
I am delighted to observe the growing trend toward alternative health and am very excited to be involved in 
and continue learning about the amazing way that wild herbs contribute.

Herbs are food for the body. Medicinally they provide essential nutrients that supply our special needs.
I believe that wild plants growing out in the fresh air in "untampered with" soil are best. They are full of natural vitamins and minerals.
All wild plants have a purpose and when used properly the medicinal value of herbs in their natural state are far superior to anything that can be found in the drugstore.

The body can heal itself, however herbs work best in a clean body and faster results will be had when the body is free of built up toxins.

Science is finally discovering the bountiful properties and value of wild plants and medicinal herbs and the day will come when their use will fill all of our needs.